Lunes, Enero 21, 2013

My Launch Pad at Sfi

Day 1 

First Steps

Welcome to your first issue of LaunchPad™! Over the next 30 days, LaunchPad™ will provide you with the information you need to build a fun and profitable SFI business. Each day will cover a different "bite-sized" topic so that you won't have to absorb too much information at once. And at the end of 30 days, you'll have a great foundation to build upon. And don't forget that you earn 15 VP for every LaunchPad™ lesson you complete!
Of course, feel free to jump ahead if you want (by using this index). After all, it's YOUR business—so set the pace YOU are comfortable with. SUGGESTION: You may want to print out each day's edition of LaunchPad and place it in a 3-ring binder for easy offline reading and review.
NOTE: To help ensure you receive all your LaunchPad™ lesson e-mails (and other vital newsletters and notifications from SFI), enter into your e-mail program's address book and/or whitelist. Also, be sure to enter the e-mail addresses of your SFI sponsor (, co-sponsor, and team leaders into your whitelist so you'll be sure to receive important messages from your upline. Doing this action also earns you another 100 VersaPoints!
Now let's get started with today's LaunchPad lesson…
As explained on your "Welcome to SFI" Page, getting started making money with SFI is as easy as earning points for doing simple free actions. For your complete list of pointable actions, see your SFI To-Do List located on your SFI homepage HERE.
But that's just the beginning of the income opportunities now available to you as an SFI affiliate! In today's LaunchPad, we want to introduce you to one of those opportunities...our FREE Entrepreneur365 (E365) contest.
As a new SFI affiliate, we've automatically entered you into E365. Here's how it works:
E365 is a challenge in which you compete with every other SFI affiliate who joined SFI the same day you did. The idea is to outlast them all and, on your 365th day in SFI, be named the champion of your class—an Entrepreneur365 Champion!
As an E365 Champion, you'll receive special corporate recognition, a spot on the E365 "hall of fame" Website, bragging rights, and a handsome plaque for your office wall to commemorate your achievement, and more. AND, along the way, you will have the opportunity to win thousands of dollars in cash and prizes, too!
The E365 competition is based on VersaPoints and is divided into six rounds.
Your first round is from 01/24/2013 to midnight CST 01/30/2013. By the end of the round, you simply need to be "above the green line" to advance to the second round of the challenge. And just by advancing, you will immediately win your first E365 prize!
What do we mean about the green line? You'll find the "green line" on the E365 Leaderboard. It displays the MEDIAN number of VersaPoints scored by all the members of your class to date who are in the contest. To advance to the next round and win a prize, you simply need to score more points than the median (i.e. be above the green line).
Would you like to see where you stand in the contest right now (and/or see the prize list and complete rules)? GO HERE.
If you're still in your first 30 days in SFI and you're currently ABOVE the green line, good job, keep up the great work! If you're UNDER the green line, however, don't panic. All you need to do is take more actions on your To-Do List, and score some more points before the round ends.
All of the first five rounds use the same simple rule: Stay above the green line and you advance—and win more prizes (and the prizes get BIGGER each round). For the sixth and final round, to be named Entrepreneur365 Champion, you'll simply need to accumulate the most VP in your class by the end of your 365th day. More on this in later lessons...
We think E365 is a really fun contest, and it gives you some great goals to shoot for during your first year in SFI. Plus, you've probably already figured out that while you're competing in E365, you're, of course, also accumulating LOTS of VersaPoints—points that can put money in your pocket from the TripleClicks Executive Pool.
Speaking of VersaPoints, to earn your 15 points for today's LaunchPad™ lesson, just answer the simple quiz below.
Good luck in E365!...and we'll see you tomorrow!

Day 2

"Who ARE these guys?"
It's been a couple of days since you enrolled as an SFI affiliate, and you're probably wondering, "Who are these guys?" and "Is this SFI thing the real deal?"
Great questions. And you're absolutely right to ask them! After all, you've been invited to involve yourself with a company, and you should definitely know who you're dealing with.
Not only that, but when it comes to finding a legitimate business opportunity on the Internet, it’s a "minefield" out there—heavily populated with questionable, often-illegal money games and here-today-gone-tomorrow schemes. Make a wrong step or choose the wrong company, and you could lose big.
Yet deep down, you've probably figured that amongst all the "junk" out there, there has to be a few jewels. After all, the Internet is a huge, multi-billion-dollar marketplace; there's got to be SOMEBODY who's developed a real opportunity for cashing in on it.
We'd like to start showing you right now that SFI is indeed one of those rare jewels.

SFI's corporate headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska
For starters, you should know that:
• SFI is now in its 13th successful year on the Internet. In that time, SFI has grown from just one product to multiple subdivisions and 64,239 products and services.
• With 25,699 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. See the Global Growth Report to see just how fast!
• Since 1998, SFI has paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions to affiliates in over 190 countries. In other words, SFI is in virtually every country in the world! And in the process, SFI has become, truly, one of the Internet’s biggest success stories.
• SFI's parent company, Carson Services, Inc., is now in its 26th year of business and is a longtime member of the Better Business Bureau serving southern Nebraska.
• Working with SFI means having the peace of mind of working with a proven, debt-free company with a long, successful track record.
WHY has SFI been so successful, while thousands of other would-be competitors have fallen by the wayside over the last 10 years? WHY has SFI become arguably the #1 affiliate program in the world?
We attribute it largely to the unique makeup of our affiliate program—a hybrid sales and marketing system exquisitely powered by the Internet. It probably also has a lot to do with the simple fact that SFI WORKS for so many thousands of people.
Still not certain if SFI is a company with which you want to get active? Nothing wrong with that. Asking questions is smart. Tomorrow's LaunchPad asks a question of its own: "Are you on the 'Anti-Wealth' Plan?" which you're definitely going to want to check out. In the meantime, here are four more places for you to learn about SFI:

Day 3

Are you on the "Anti-Wealth" Plan?
Though painful to say, most people go through their entire lives on what we call the "Anti-Wealth" Plan. Others call it the "40/40/40 Plan." That is, work 40 hours a week for someone for 40 years and retire with $40 in the bank!
That's somewhat of an exaggeration, of course, but the U.S. Social Security Board, for example, has reported that 85 out of 100 Americans won't possess as much as $500 in savings by age 65. And only 2% will be self-sustaining; the rest will be dependent on family, church, or the government!
Burning Cash
The main problem with a typical job is that when YOU stop, the money stops.
MAKE SURE you understand this: If you ever want to acquire real wealth, you're just not going to get there trading hours for money.
The world's wealthiest people have known for hundreds of years that if you want financial freedom, you MUST tap into at least one of the following:
Residual Income is income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just ONCE. It's like a royalty. An example would be writing a book or recording a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn't it be absolutely awesome to have that?! Well, with SFI you can!
Leveraged Income is earning money through other people's efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But with SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of "override" commissions) when affiliates you've sponsored in SFI make sales.
Earn even more Leveraged Income when they sponsor other affiliates and refer TripleClicks members who make purchases...and when your affiliates’ affiliates sponsor affiliates and refer members...and so on.
The fact is, by simply sponsoring a few good, active SFI affiliates, you can eventually have hundreds or even THOUSANDS of affiliates and TC members putting money in your pocket from around the world...around the clock!
But that's not even the best part. Each affiliate on your sales team has his or her own vested interest to build and KEEP ON building his or her business and income. This, of course, means YOUR income can continue and grow month after month–even when you want to take a vacation or decide to retire altogether.
Rest assured, there are few things greater than returning home from a nice vacation to find a commission check even bigger than the month before waiting in your mailbox!
Bottom line: With SFI, not only can you earn "do-it-once, get-paid-forever" residual-style income, you also can earn Leveraged Income on the sales of thousands of other affiliates! If building financial security is one of your goals, you've found the vehicle to do it with in SFI.
If you haven't got started yet, it's time to hit your SFI To-Do List. By completing the actions on your To-Do List, you can start building a foundation for residual and leveraged income today.

Day 4

Marketing = Money
By now, you've probably got some idea about what kind of marketing you'll be doing with SFI, but we'd like to break it down a bit more because it's such an important element of your new business. Indeed, it's the marketing you'll be doing that's going to generate the money you'll be depositing in your bank account!
First, let's look at what we know. We know that:
A. You're going to want to refer TripleClicks (TC) members.

B. You're going to want to sponsor affiliates.
You can do these activities one at a time, or you can do both at the same time, but you'll ultimately want to become a "master marketer" in both.
Now, you might think that mastering something you probably know little about is pretty far-fetched, but it's really not. We have thousands of SFI affiliates of all ages and backgrounds who started just like you—people who didn't know the first thing about marketing but who now can generate enrollments and sales with two arms tied behind their backs, so to speak. YOU can become just as proficient. All you have to do is get started and keep working at it.
So how do you get started? Well, thanks to SFI's amazing system, you can actually be on your way with your first marketing campaign—indeed campaigns!—in less than 30 minutes!
Here's how:
1. Go to our "R" (Referral) Methods page HERE.
2. Note the methods highlighted with a yellow background. These are methods that are free and can be put into action within minutes.
3. Put one or more of the methods into action...right now!
4. Next, go to the "S" (Sponsoring) Methods page HERE.
5. Again, note the yellow highlighted methods.
6. Put one or more of these methods into action now.
Congratulations! You've just put marketing campaigns for both referring TC members and sponsoring SFI affiliates into action.
Now you can sit back and wait for the commissions to start rolling in, right?
Sorry, but nothing worthwhile is ever THAT easy! To start seeing serious income, you'll have to employ other marketing methods as well.
But let's not discount what you just did either! As covered in a previous issue of LaunchPad, getting started is the key. Once you've gotten started, you've overcome the "inertia" that keeps most people stuck in dead-end lives, and that's BIG.
Speaking of big, here's a good way to think about your marketing:
Just as a small fire produces little heat, small efforts will produce small results. So, give yourself a little reward for lighting the fire today. But tomorrow, make plans to move your marketing up to the next level.
There are SO many methods available to you—everything from banners...and more. Build a BIG fire, build a BIG income!

Day 5 

"Borderless" is beautiful!
Did you know that by the end of 2011, the worldwide number of Internet users had grown to more than 2.27 BILLION people—nearly 40% of ALL the people on the planet?! Did you also know that mobile consumer spending alone is expected to grow 13.4% in 2012 to reach $138 billion in global sales? With statistics like that, the future of commerce certainly seems to belong online!
And while the U.S leads the pack as of December '11 for the percentage of its population online (78.6%), the United States constitutes only 12% (and shrinking) of Web surfers worldwide.
Where the major growth is occurring is in the world's most populous countries, such as China, India, Brazil, Russia and Indonesia. In fact, the Asian continent ranks first worldwide for the number of Internet users—more than 1BILLION and growing. And they're just getting started!
Then there's Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America that since 2000 have witnessed what can only be described as a phenomenal increase of online users: a cumulative, 11-year 2,988.4%, 2,244.8 %, and 1,205.1% growth rate, respectively!
Why is all this important? Because in joining SFI, you've just joined the most global-minded business there is. Put another way, you're now positioned to profit from the largest market EVER. EVER!
The fact is, SFI was built, from the ground up, to go everywhere and anywhere the Internet goes. And "borderless" is beautiful.
Lots of businesses allow you to market in your own country and perhaps a few others countries, but only SFI, with its TripleClicks subdivisions puts you in over 190 countries and gives you instant access to a marketplace of BILLIONS of consumers.
But SFI gives you much more than just access. Unlike a few companies that have tried to copy us, SFI is actually working and generating income for people all over the world.
Check out our daily Global Growth Report. Look at today's enrollments and where they come from. Every day, hundreds of people from countries scattered across the globe become SFI affiliates and TripleClicks members!
Now look at the Top Sponsors/Referrer's list (located in the top right corner of the Global Growth Report). Affiliates from countries all over world dominate this top 10 list every day.
In huge populous countries like India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, and China, SFI is exploding with growth! And yet we've only begun to scratch the surface! And what a MASSIVE opportunity this is for you.
Think about the spectacular economic growth occurring in India and China right now. Imagine sponsoring just a handful of strong, motivated individuals in these countries and how many THOUSANDS of affiliates and members they could bring in with your help, and how many thousands of dollars in monthly override commissions could someday be yours!
It's a fact. When you go SFI, your opportunity is literally as big as the world.

Day 6

"Central to your success"
As you become more familiar with your new SFI business, you'll see that a constant theme is our encouragement to take some form of action every day. Why? Because if you're doing this, you'll be moving your business forward, slowly but surely, gaining momentum, step by step. And this will, of course, eventually result in some very good things for you...such as a large commission check every month.
One of those "must-do-daily" items is visiting the SFI Affiliate Center (
Visiting the Affiliate Center is, well...central to your success with SFI. By visiting every day, you'll get access to our valuable, personalized, step-by-step assistance; the latest news; timely tips; and training to build your new business, plus important alerts, notifications, and messages from SFI corporate and upline leaders. You can also earn up to eight VersaPoints for reviewing the tabs on your SFI Home Page (maximum 7200 points in 90 days).
The Affiliate Center is also where you'll find your individual account information, business reports, Glossary, Compensation Plan, FAQs, and literally hundreds of marketing aids, tools, and resources to power your business...and much more!
Because of all this, we STRONGLY recommend you bookmark now. BETTER YET,here's how to set the SFI Affiliate Center as your Web browser's homepage to really make it easy to visit daily.
And here's a little "homework assignment" for you:
When you have some time, go through each of the items on the main menu bar (the black bar that runs across the top of almost every page at the Affiliate Center). Click the "Income," the "Training" and "Reference" links, and all the others, too. EACH of these links will take you to an index of many, many valuable and useful tools, aids, and resources. Familiarize yourself with these items so you know where they're available when you need them.

Day 7

Executive benefits...
In today's LaunchPad lesson, we're going to go over the first two ranks in
SFI and what they mean to your SFI benefits and compensation.
Everyone who joins SFI starts out as a basic affiliate. As a basic affiliate,
you can earn two ways:
You can always remain a basic affiliate if you wish, but by scoring just
1,500 VersaPoints (VP), you can immediately move up to the "executive
level" of SFI!
As an Executive Affiliate (EA), you gain access to some of SFI's most
powerful business-building tools and perks. And instead of being able to
earn income in just two ways, you can now earn income SIX WAYS:
Learn how easy it is to become an EA HERE.
By the way, scoring 1,500 VersaPoints will also likely get you at least into
round two or three of the Entrepreneur365 Contest. Check your E365
status now HERE.
Here's one more thing that's fun about VersaPoints. They are the key to
our "Power Rank" program. Power Rank allows you to see how you stack
up amongst your fellow SFI'ers—and we mean EVERY affiliate, not just
those in E365.
The more points you accumulate, the higher your Power Rank can go.
Your Overall Power Rank tells you where you rank amongst ALL active
SFI affiliates worldwide. Set your goals to become a "Top 1,000 Affiliate," a
"Top 100 Affiliate" or even a "Top 10 Affiliate"!
Your Country Power Rank tells you where you rank amongst the active
SFI affiliates in your country. Show your fellow citizens that you're an SFI
TIP: You can check your current VersaPoints total and your current ranks anytime on yourScoreboard.

Day 8

Hello, TripleClicks!
Meet TripleClicks.
Actually, we're sure you've already met this division of SFI, but there's much about TripleClicks (TC) you need to know, which we'll discuss today.
For starters, you may not be aware that TC launched on January 5th, 2009. You may also not be aware that your SFI affiliateship automatically includes a TC membership!
TripleClicks Logo
And we're just getting started with the products and offerings. We launched TC with approximately 6,000 products, but that was just the beginning. We've now grown to 64,239 products from 123 countries worldwide and are adding hundreds of new products weekly. We also now have downloadable music, auctions, games, a member rewards points system, and there's much more still in development!
You'll also be interested to know that because of how we built TC, virtually any type of product or service can be added. The sky's the limit!
Tip: You may have to log in when you visit TC (use your SFI affiliate ID and password) so that all the special affiliate features we've built in to TC are displayed to you. Check the top right corner of the screen at TC to confirm you are logged in.
TC is a state-of-the-art Internet store site featuring numerous amenities including:
• Express Checkout
• WishLists
• Online order/shipment tracking
• An exclusive, money-saving daily deal ("Deal Of The Day")
• Advanced search features
• Special daily/weekly/monthly sales
• Popular penny auctions (Pricebenders™) with bids starting at only 1 cent.
• Standing Orders (your members can set up orders to have consumable products shipped to them monthly automatically, meaning monthly commissions for you)
• One-click sitewide currency conversions for 17 major world currencies.
• More than 50 payment options
• and much more!
With all these powerful features, TC provides SFI affiliates with a world-class instrument for generating Internet income.
Here's how to get started making sales:
Our #1 recommended method is to simply hand out TripleClicks Gift Cards as free samples to your friends, associates, co-workers, family, neighbors—anyone you know or meet who might want to check out your online store. Recipients can redeem each gift card for 12 TCredits, which they can apply toward purchasing products, bidding on auctions, posting their own items for sale, and more; PLUS 100 Member Rewards Points (MRP) they can use toward more purchases. No matter what your level of marketing experience, handing out free samples is a simple and proven way of attracting potential new members. We've even created a special Gift Card Guide to help you get started
If TC Gift Cards aren't the way you want to go, our other beginning marketing strategies and aids also offer effective methods to get the word out about your store. You'll focus on simply building a member list and not on promoting any individual products or groups of products; your potential members will discover for themselves the products they wish to purchase.
You'll also want to set up your TConnect page at What's your TConnect page? In short, it's a personalized, free Web page every TripleClicks Member and SFI Affiliate automatically receives upon signing up as a member or joining SFI. You can put your TConnect page to work for you in a variety of ways immediately after setting it up—listing products to sell, marketing your SFI business, accessing special ECA and member deals, and much more! Learn all about it in this training article.
Note: For a list of all our beginner, intermediate, and advanced marketing methods, go HERE. PLUS...if you want to learn how you can pick up an extra $300 or more a month selling TCredits, check out this page.
The TC Member Listings Program
Another component of TC you need to know about is the TC Member Listings Program, which allows you to sell your stuff right alongside TC's other products and services.
Selling at TripleClicks
With the Member Listings Program you can quickly, easily, and cheaply convert stuff you no longer want...into stuff you do! List your stuff at TC, and sell for cash....or for any product in the store. You can even earn SFI Executive Affiliate (EA) status each month selling unwanted items around your house! Use TC as your online garage sale to clean out your closets, attics, and garages! List and sell dozens of miscellaneous items easily.
To get started, log in at TripleClicks (using your SFI ID and password) and click the Create a new member listing link in your TC Member Center.
The TC Free Listing Program
People are always looking for easy ways to put some money in their pocket. And people also usually have items they no longer need or want. Children outgrow perfectly good toys. Teenagers outgrow perfectly good clothes. Adults outgrow perfectly good golf clubs. :-) Indeed, millions of perfectly good products of all kinds are outgrown, abandoned, and retired every day!
These items almost always wind up in closets, attics, and garages, taking up valuable space while (usually) fading in value as they sit. But with the TC Member Listings Program, this "clutter" can be converted into cash–quickly...simply...easily.
And the timing couldn't be better. With the huge downturn in the global economy, especially in the United States, demand for this type of service is skyrocketing. Indeed, We've learned that pawn shops are doing record business right now. Now YOU can tap into this same vein and earn great commissions.
Here's how: We've created a special program that allows you to give away free sample listings at TC. And we've made it incredibly easy to participate. As we mentioned above, we've got TC Gift Cards that recipients can redeem for TCredits to use for listing their items. We also have X-Cards, E-Cards, Postcards, text ads, tabbed fliers, and over 40 awesome banners—all directly offering a free, complementary listing at TC!
All you have to do is get these cards, fliers, banners, etc. in front of people using the methods listedHERE.
Again, there's no need to learn details about any specific TC products. No need to sweat over which product or products to promote. We've made building a member list as easy as handing out Gift Cards or X-Cards, putting up fliers, or running free classified ads!
Once your prospect has redeemed their Gift Card or entered their free listing, you've just locked them in as one of your personally referred members. And once they see how easy it is to list and sell their unwanted items, well, guess what? They're going to want to buy Tcredits and list lots of other items they want to sell for cash or other products. And, of course, for every credit they buy, you earn Direct Commissions and VersaPoints!
In fact, you can earn executive affiliate (EA) status for yourself if your members buy just 15 single credits... or seven 10-packs of credits...or just one 200-pack of credits.
But that's not all. Many of your members may become frequent shoppers and buyers at TC. And when they buy products, you'll also earn VersaPoints and Direct Commissions.
You can order your TC Gift Cards and/or your Free Listing X-Cards, postcards, etc. from the TripleClicks SFI department (be sure you're logged in to TripleClicks to view this department). Or, you can get hooked up with other great promotional methods and marketing aids HERE.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In conjunction with the Free Listing Program, we're making FREE credits available to you to give away to your prospects. You heard right: We'll even provide the credits for FREE that you can give away to attract members! However, please make sure you read these RULES FOR PARTICIPATION.
You may also like to read the TC FAQs HERE which covers many other details and aspects of TripleClicks.
One last thing: Our ECA Program allows commercial sellers and companies of all kinds, from around the world, to market their products and services side-by-side with our own products and services at And we've made it very easy for companies to plug in their products and services. Indeed, the ECA theme is "Plug into a world of new customers!" There's no cost for ECAs to list their products and services and they can immediately begin taking advantage of the exposure and growing worldwide traffic of It's a "slam dunk" for them, a total win/win. Get more informationHERE.
Add up all the above and you can see why TC represents one of the biggest opportunities ever made available for e-commerce profits!

Day 9

There's no place like home...
your SFI home page, that is!

What's most important:
  1. Staying on top of SFI news, program changes, and notices that could affect your bottom line?
  2. Keeping careful track of your progress as an SFI business owner and of SFI's growth as a whole?
  3. Maintaining contact with your SFI Affiliates?
Trick question! They're all vital to your success, though in different ways. After all, if you're serious about succeeding, you simply MUST have a commanding grasp on the latest information that could affect your business. But you also have to be well-informed about the overall and day-to-day performance of your business, be accessible to accurately answer questions from your SFI Affilaites, and provide timely help to your customers.
Fortunately, these and other timely tasks don't have to be nearly as time consuming as they may sound.
Your Affiliate Center home page provides you with a wealth of information about the latest SFI news, notices, and statistics; your own to-do list, daily business tips, streaming posts from you and your team members, and a2a access to other affiliates; and much more! It's truly your one-stop SFI business summary. Consequently, checking the information within these tabs should be at the TOP of your list of daily business tasks. What's more, you'll earn 9 VersaPoints (VP) every day you check your home page tabs (accumulated for last 90 days). Titles of tabs you've visited for the day will appear in blue; those you have yet to visit will appear in red.
Following is a brief summary of what you'll find within each of the tabs in the order they appear on your Affiliate Center home page. It's a lot of information, we know, but we STRONGLY suggest you take your time and carefully review the outline below...your business success depends on it!

Your SFI Alerts tab
Think of your Alerts page as your very own "front page" of your daily business newspaper, listing the headlines, brief snippets, and notices that you'll want to know about and to give attention for the day.
Personalized for you, your Alerts page appears as the default tab on your home page after you log into the Affiliate Center (you can also access this tab from your My Account index page) and includes:
  • Alerts specific to your rank status, standing orders, account information, etc.
  • The number (if any) of your unread TeamMail messages.
  • Your VersaPoints information indicating the number of VP you currently have and need to gain to advance in rank before the end of the month.
  • The last five posts from the SFI news blog.
  • The newest five posts at the SFI Forum.

Your To-Do List Tab
Here, you'll find an easy-to-follow list of actions designed to help you build a successful SFI business. In addition to daily, weekly, and monthly actions for growing your business, there are also sections listing specific actions to promote Team Leadership and increase TC sales. You'll also see one-time actions listed, which disappear from this list as you complete them. Each action you complete earns you VersaPoints (shown in the left column on the list). The more points you earn, the higher your SFI commissions can go!

Your Tips Tab
Stop here daily for your SFI Tip of the Day, an Affiliate Tip of the Day, a cool motivational Quote of the Day, and an informative Did You Know section outlining important aspects about SFI that you'll want to keep in the forefront of your mind as you grow your business.

Your Stream Tab
We simply cannot stress enough the role effective communication plays in your business success! In fact, it's SO important, we've devoted this special home page tab entirely to instant posts to and from your team (up to six levels in your downline) and a2a friends. This is a GREAT way to pass along your own news items, alerts, notes of encouragement, and other important information. You can also view and reply to posts from SFI corporate and your favorite TripleClicks E-Commerce Affiliates (ECAs) from this tab.
To send new messages to some or all of your team members and a2a friends, just type your message (up to 340 characters) into the field at the top, select the group you wish to send the post to, and click Submit. Your recipients will see your instant post within their own Stream tabs. To reply to comments posted by others, simply click the "Leave a Comment" link below the replies, enter your message (200 characters max.) and click Post Comment.

Your TripleClicks Tab
As it's name suggests, this tab is all about what's going on at As you learned inLaunchPad lesson #8, your SFI Affiliateship automatically includes a TC membership. You also learned that TripleClicks is your instrument for generating Internet income. Of course, as an SFI business owner and team leader, you'll want to keep a close eye on what's going on at TC by checking out the information on this tab every day, including:
  • The Deal of the Day
  • Upcoming Pricebenders Auctions
  • Current TripleClicks product total
  • Current ECA total

Your SFI Scoreboard Tab
This is your spot for tracking and comparing your own progress with other SFI Affiliates, as well as viewing important SFI statistics as a whole. Think of your SFI Scoreboard Tab as your day's "market summary"—a glimpse of the bigger picture as it relates to your own SFI business.
The top section presents a nice outline of your current VersaPoint statistics, including VP you've earned to date, VP you've earned so far this month, your Team Leader qualifying VP and the points you need to advance to the next rank, your current placement on the month's VP Leaderboard, and whether you've qualified for today's Daily Grand contest.
Below that, your Power Rank section lets you mark your progress, compared with other SFI Affiliates. You'll see your Overall Power Rank status, as well as your Class Rank (how you rank among Affiliates who joined SFI the same day you did).
In the sections that follow, you can view your Sponsor Rating for the month (learn more about Sponsor Ratings here), your current E365 status, and your Country Rank (how you rank among affiliates in your country).

Your a2a Tab
This is the control center for SFI's a2a program, which allows you to network with your peers in SFI. You'll learn all about using a2a soon in a coming LaunchPad lesson. For now, just know that a2a is flexible tool you can use to identify SFI Affiliates in your area; search affiliates by gender, age, join date, common goals, and more; share tips and ideas; discuss SFI news; form local SFI support groups; and A LOT more!

Your Movers Tab
A valuable resource for all SFI leaders, the Movers Tab is where you discover and keep tabs on your team's movers and shakers. Each "mover" listing includes the affiliate's name, SFI ID, rank, this month's VP amount, VP needed for rank advancement, Power Rankings, join date, last Affiliate Center login date, and contact information. You can also contact each affiliate by SFI TeamMail, via SFIM (SFI's online chat program), or through regular e-mail by clicking the appropriate icon within each listing.
The affiliates listed here will be your most active, and are extremely valuable to the success of your team. Review this list every day and make sure you're following up with and supporting each of these persons. Sorts let you narrow your list based on your newest movers or those who are online now. This type of communication and team building is how you create the DUPLICATION, the most important factor in creating wealth with SFI!

Your Growth Tab
Whereas your Scoreboard is concerned mainly with your progress as compared to other affiliates, this tab presents information on SFI growth in general—and WOW are we ever growing! As an SFI Affiliate, you get to share in and profit from that growth, so you'll naturally want to be checking this tab each day for the latest stats, including:
  • Enrollment totals for today, yesterday and month to date
  • Yesterday's top enrollers (their names, locations, and enrollment totals)
  • A summary of TripleClicks statistics (member, product, and ECA totals; number of countries w/members and ECAs)
But that's not all! To the left side of this page, you can view SFI's newest E365 Champion and ranking members, from our latest Fast Tracker to the most recent Platinum Team Leader. Click the affiliate name to view his/her Affiliate Snapshot; select the More link within each listing to view all the ranking members from newest to oldest.
Finally, at the bottom of this tab, you can see a running list of today's enrollments (both SFI Affiliates & TC Members), including SFI and Member IDs, names, location, join time, sponsor/referrer, and co-sponsor. You can sort this list from newest to oldest or visa versa, as well as by country. This last sort option is a nice way to identify new affiliates/members in your area. Just click the new affiliate/member name to view his/her Affiliate Snapshot.
The data found in the Growth Tab alone could make for some compelling content in your own newsletters or announcements to your personally sponsored affiliates. Quoting real, concrete figures about the popularity of SFI and its growing numbers, the newest leaders, incoming affiliate locations, and more can increase the "wow factor" in your communications and fire up your team!

Your Goals Tab
Every successful person needs goals. Here, you can review the the goals listed on your Affiliate Profile(which we will discuss in more detail in a coming LaunchPad Lesson). To update your goals, just click the Edit my goals link at the bottom of the page to access your Affiliate Profile and save your changes there. Your updated goals will be immediately reflected on your Goals Tab.

Your Win-It! Tab
Life can't be ALL work and no play—after all, pursuing your dreams should also be FUN! That's where your Win-It! Tab featuring SFI's DAILY GRAND contest comes in (contest info and rules). This exclusive daily drawing for SFI affiliates awards 100 lucky affiliates a share of $1,000 or more in prizes each and every day! Entering the contest is easy: simply visit the Win-It! tab and click the "Enter Today's Drawing" button to submit up to 4 entries for that day's contest:
  • You'll earn one entry for producing at least 10 VP during the previous day.
  • You'll earn a second entry for producing at least 20 VP during the previous day.
  • You can earn two additional entries each day for maintaining a minimum 1,500 VP Standing Order.

Your Ask SC Tab
Short for "Ask the SFI Community," Ask SC taps into the wealth of knowledge of SFI's tens of thousands of affiliates. It's a great place to check for common affiliate questions and the best answers, as voted by you and your fellow SFI Affiliates. You can submit your own questions and answers from here, vote for the best answers, and even earn unlimited VersaPoints for top answers! (Learn more). In this way, the SFI Community will continue to build a powerful database where new and experienced Affiliates the world over can easily find the most pertinent, informative, and helpful answers to common (and not-so-common) questions.
You can sort through questions within several categories (a2a, Getting Started, VersaPoints, etc.) and by newest, most recent answers added, questions open for voting (voting period for each new answer is 10 days), questions you've voted for or haven't voted for, questions with the fewest or most answers, and questions with the most votes. To vote, just click a question and select either the thumbs up or thumbs down icon. To submit an answer to a question, select that question, enter your answer in the text field to the right of the page, and click Submit Query. Get complete details about Ask SC.

WHEW! That's a lot of information to take in! But like we said earlier, your SFI home page is your one-stop, go-to page for your daily SFI "business summary." And having a list, keeping track of your progress, and pacing yourself is a time-tested method of tipping the scales for business success in YOUR favor. After all, knowledge is power!
What's more...the information found within the tabs of your SFI home page provides a veritable smorgasbord of GREAT information you can use in your marketing efforts to get the word out about SFI and TripleClicks.
For example, how cool would it be to be able to tell potential affiliates they could join a growing business that welcomed more than 20,000 new sign-ups last month alone?...Or that your customers can choose from 50,000 (and growing) products at your store? You could use your VP and Power Rank data to chart your progress in newsletters to your downline, spurring their interest in growing their own businesses. And if you should notice one of your team members listed in one of the boxes or lists, that's your opportunity to reach out with a hearty congratulations and encouragement! And the more you build trust and community, the more successful your team—and your business—will be!
The whole picture
As a whole, your SFI home page provides you with the information you need to know about where your SFI business is, where it fits within SFI, and where it's going. Plus, you'll earn a total of 9 VP each day you stop by and check your tabs!
Make it a habit, starting today:
Stay on track! Achieve your dreams!

Day 10 

Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about SFI?
Over the past 10 days, we've been throwing a lot of topics at you. You've learned about SFI, TripleClicks, and the importance of referring members and sponsoring affiliates. Hopefully, we've done a good job in presenting these topics to you and you've got a good understanding of everything so far.
But if you're like most affiliates, you probably still have a few, or maybe even a lot of, specific questions about various aspects of SFI, such as:
  • How much money can I make?
  • What are the costs involved in starting and operating an SFI business?
  • How does SFI compare to similar businesses?
  • What kind of products does SFI have?
For this, we've created a streamlined Support Center integrated within the SFI Affiliate Center. From this center, you can find answers to your questions or contact support staff directly. Here are some of the key FAQs we encourage you to review at this time:
If you've tackled these above topics and are ready for even more FAQs, you can view the information within our knowledge base. From the Support Index, just click SFI Affiliate Knowledge Base or theTripleClicks Member Knowledge Base link to review a vast array of questions and answers for each, as well as basic information, in a variety of categories.
And, of course, if you still have questions, our Affiliate Support Desk is always at your service.

Day 11 

Overnight success...NOT!
Today we're going to talk about having big goals...but REALISTIC goals. SFI holds tremendous potential for those who will apply themselves, but it's not going to Successhappen overnight or without work. As the old saying goes, "the only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary."
We often hear from affiliates asking why they're not seeing a big commission check yet. But more times than not, the person asking hasn’t even been an affiliate for more than a few weeks and is only really beginning to even understand how the whole SFI system works. And frankly, even if the number was six months, it’s still much too early to be expecting a significant income stream to have developed.
We always say that if you’re not willing to give a business at least a year, don’t even bother getting involved. You must understand: It takes time to get to know all the nuances of a business. It takes time to get to know the products. It takes time to develop a game plan. It takes time to figure out what marketing activities will work best for you.
The fact is, anything worthwhile takes sustained effort. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, etc. It's the same thing with your own business. If you're thinking money's going to start pouring into your lap next month, you’ve set yourself up for failure.
But let’s look at some real examples and see if we can put some perspective on this. Let's start with SFI's own president and founder, Gery Carson. Gery explains:
Gery Carson"My success as a entrepreneur and business leader is widely known today. Yet what most people don’t know is that I LOST money my first two years. I only broke even in my third year. And it was only when I got to my fourth year did I finally start seeing profits. Oh, how I wish someone had invented an SFI for me back in the mid-80's when I was starting out! ; - )
So was all that effort worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Because I persisted, today I live a dream life, I have my dream home, drive my dream car, and I get to lead one of the most exciting Internet companies in the world. Yes, because I stuck with it, I am today truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams."
But let’s go farther. Let’s look at some of the actual home business superstars we've interviewed and featured on our Website in the past:
Note that amounts listed reflect declared earnings at the time their interview was published.
ROBERT BLACKMAN now earns as much as $85,000 per month. Yet it took Robert two years to see his first four-figure check ($1,000 or more), and it took him five years to see his first five-figure check ($10,000 or more).
CHARLES LESLIE’s monthly income exceeds $12,000 a month. It took Charles five months to see his first $1,000 check, and three and a half years to see his first $10,000 check.
TRACY DIETERICH earns $36,000+ monthly. But it took six months to hit that first $1,000, and a year to get to $10,000.
DALE CALVERT makes so much more than $100,000 a year that he won’t even divulge the amount. Yet Dale worked four months before seeing that first four-figure commission check...and two full years before hitting five figures.
DR. JOE RUBINO now cruises at over $62,000 each month. But that first $1,000 check took two months, the first $10,000 check, one year.
ROBERT BUTWIN drops $80,000 or more into his bank account each month. But would you believe that first $1,000 check took two years to reach, and a full FIVE years for Robert to reach the first $10,000 check? It’s true!
DAVID A. NELSON clears $40,000 in a month. But reaching that first $1,000 check took 18 months. Reaching the five-figure check took two years.
TONY KENT has exceeded $90,000 in monthly earnings. But exceeding $1,000 took Tony one year...and a year and a half to exceed $10,000.
In other words, even the most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs took MONTHS to begin seeing an income of any real significance. And the real wealth, the $100,000+ income we all strive for, took an average of almost THREE YEARS to achieve!
Do you think ANY of these gentlemen don’t think the ends justified the means? Do you think for an instant that the months and years invested hasn’t been rewarded a thousand times over at least? You don't even have to think about it, do you?
SuccessIf we told you that after two to three years of following our system, you could be making more in a month than you now make in a year, could you handle that? This is a genuine and realistic goal. But when you say you want to quit your job in six months and live off the income from your new business, well, that's just not realistic.
Not what you wanted to hear, right? But is what we're suggesting so tough to swallow? Of course not.
Can you think of any other endeavor where you could invest just five to 10 hours a week for a couple years and at the end of that time have that turned into a $3,000 to $10,000 residual monthly income stream? Money that keeps coming in month after month, year after year. Money that keeps coming in whether you work 10 hours a day or two. A commission check waiting for you in your mailbox when you return from yet another vacation. Money that when you’ve left this planet continues to provide for your spouse, children, or grandchildren.
Sounds extremely nice, doesn’t it? But again, these are likely not things you’re going to see in your first year. It's just not going to happen. Some of you—the go-getters—you WILL see it happen in your second year. For most of you, however, you need to be thinking two to five years. And you know what? When you get there, we guarantee you, you’ll say it was nothing!
You can do it
BOTTOM LINE: We reap what we sow, but the harvest is never in the same season as the planting! Today you are planting...and will be at least for the next several months. Your harvest will come in time. Be persistent. Be patient. Work the Web using our proven SFI system. Think long term. Take action every day, (no matter how small) to build your business. And always remember, THE ONLY WAY TO FAIL IS TO QUIT.

Day 12

Your Profile, Please
Setting up a new business is a time-consuming task—we know! With so much to think about and learn, it's easy to overlook some of the odd items here and there that are, nonetheless, vital to getting started right. (After all, that's why we've created this LaunchPad series for you!)
SurveyOne easy task you DON'T want to overlook is completing your SFI AFFILIATE PROFILE. This brief questionnaire is absolutely necessary to create a personalized SFI Affiliate Center experience specifically suited to YOU, your experience, goals, support needs, and much more.
Our system will use your profile answers to personalize the SFI Affiliate Center for you.
With your permission, we'll also add your profile answers to a special Affiliate Manager page so your sponsor can learn about you and how best to help you achieve your goals.
Take a moment RIGHT NOW and complete this important step toward setting up your SFI business. It will only take a few minutes to complete and will help you get the most from SFI:
IMPORTANT: Remember, all information you provide in your Affiliate Profile is kept 100% private. We will NEVER share SFI affiliate information with ANY third parties. Should you wish to share your profile information with your SFI Sponsor (via the Affiliate Manager page mentioned above) and/or other upline members, select those options on the last two questions of your affiliate profile.

Day 13

SFI is known for many things–innovation, a generous compensation plan, and world-class marketing tools–to name a few. But we also take great pride in supporting our affiliates.
Customer Service
That is, when you need help, SFI is at your service…in multiple ways:
1. Support Desk
For general questions, this is where we recommend you go first. You'll find a variety of help and support resources, including our powerful knowledgebase that you can use to instantly dial up answers to hundreds of questions about SFI and TripleClicks.
2. Live Chat
LiveChat is unavailable. Leave us a message
During our regular business hours, you can chat live with members of our Affiliate Support Team.
3. SFI Forum
At the SFI Forum you can get questions answered 24-hours a day by forum moderators, other SFI affiliates, and even SFI president Gery Carson himself (see the "Ask Gery" forum).
4. a2a
Exchange messages with your fellow SFI affiliates worldwide; identify affiliates in your own country, state/province, or even city; search by gender, age, join date, common goals, and more.
In addition to the above resources, we also facilitate help and support from your SFI sponsor and other upline Team Leaders:
• You can contact your SFI sponsor HERE.
• You can contact upline Team Leaders HERE.
Tip: If for some reason you're having difficulty connecting with your sponsor or upline Team Leaders via e-mail, try our in-house "TeamMail." TeamMail uses SFI's internal messaging system so that the next time your sponsor or other upline members log in at the SFI Affiliate Center (, they'll be alerted to your message and can read it and respond right from the Affiliate Center! To send a TeamMail, just click on the small blue icon () beside the name of the person you wish to contact.

Day 14 

YOUR store
You may not have really thought about it yet, but as one of our affiliates, you and we are partners. Therefore, you need to think of SFI products as YOUR products. And you need to think of as YOUR store.
Because it is your store, there are some rules you'll want to start following. Number one, when you buy products and services for yourself or others, you always want to shop your own store (TripleClicks) first.
If you owned a bakery, you wouldn't be buying cinnamon rolls from the bakery down the street. If you owned an office supplies store, you wouldn't drive to a competitor's store to buy a stapler or paperclips.
It's the exact same thing as an SFI affiliate, especially when it comes to products you're ALREADY buying. Your store ( probably carries many products and/or services that you ALREADY purchase from a local store or other service provider. Why not transfer those YOUR store? You can even eliminate or significantly reduce shipping charges by shopping via local TC E-Commerce Associates (ECAs) in your own country, region, or city. In some cases, you can pick up the products right from these merchants' local retail outlet, eliminating shipping fees altogether. View the ECAs in your country at:
Remember, we're not talking about spending extra money, just changing from where you're buying.
So what's in it for you? What benefit do you get out of buying from your own store? For starters, your purchases at TripleClicks earn you valuable VersaPoints, which you can parlay into numerous benefits and increased earnings. NOTE: Simply click the SFI Affiliates tab within each product's description page for the VP total attached to this item. Within this tab, you'll also see the exact Gateway URL to direct your prospective customers to, as well as the commissions you could earn by selling this product.
But it goes much further than that. The fact is, SFI's success—and your success as an SFI affiliate—is tied directly to the success of TripleClicks (TC). The more successful TC is, the more successful SFI's affiliates will be.
A popular and successful TC means:
  • Easier sponsoring of SFI affiliates
  • Easier referrals of TC members
  • More and better ECAs
  • More products & services
  • Better prices
  • Lower shipping costs
  • and MORE
And if all of the above wasn't enough, you can pick up even more benefits (including discounts off regular prices at the store) by setting up a Standing Order.

Day 15

How to share in SFI's growth
One of the really cool things about SFI is our profit-sharing programs. And
when you're one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world–
as SFI is–profit sharing can be very exciting.
How fast? Here are the latest stats from our Global Growth Report:
• Yesterday's enrollments: 2704
• Month-to-date enrollments: 101339
• Today's enrollments:
 Click HERE for up-to-the-minute stats for today
And here's the best news. Starting right now, THIS month, you can be tapping into our growth in...THREE different ways:
1. SFI-powered (now featuring OVER 64000 products—from over 95 countries worldwide) is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce Websites in the world. Every month, we put a whopping 40% of the Commission Volume of EVERY order—companywide—into a pool of tens of thousands of dollars for our affiliates to share in! We call it the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Just become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and you'll immediately qualify for shares of the pool. Earn one share of the pool for each VersaPoint you score for the month!
Genealogy2. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and you'll automatically earn two Co-Sponsored Affiliates (see "Pending" enrollments below) and then two more each month you retain your EA rank. As an affiliate's Co-Sponsor, you'll earn 15% CV commissions on all their purchases...every month! Learn more HERE. But don't stop with just two/month! Thousands of ADDITIONAL Co-Sponsored Affiliates are awarded each month to SFI Team Leaders. Just become a Team Leader, and you'll automatically receive a share of all the available Co-Sponsored Affiliates!
E-Commerce Associates3. No longer is a lack of time or marketing experience a roadblock to success with SFI.
Every day, SFI's co-op advertising program, S-Builder, generates HUNDREDS of new
SFI Affiliates and TripleClicks members and awards them to participating affiliates. To
learn how you can begin receiving a share of these valuable, business-boosting signups
every month, click HERE.

Day 16

The big funnel
As you become more and more proficient at attracting and sponsoring new affiliates, it's important that you understand this:
It's a numbers game.
What do we mean by that? Think of your SFI business as a big funnel. In the big end of the funnel you're putting in new affiliates that you've sponsored.
Many will, unfortunately, turn out to be "tire-kickers" or people looking for something for nothing. That's OK! There are millions of them in the world and if you're out there advertising, you're going to attract your share. Just accept that and don't let it bother you.
What comes out of the small end of your funnel, however, are the people that "get" SFI, that see the big picture and want to participate seriously.
These are your future leaders and it is through these "go-getters" that you can earn significant income. This is, of course, because SFI pays hefty overrides (Leveraged Income) to you on the activity of those affiliates you have personally sponsored.
But what's REALLY amazing is how few of these go-getters you actually need! Check this out:
Can you personally develop just ONE new Executive Affiliate (EA) a week and teach JUST TWO OTHERS to do the same? (Remember, there are DOZENS of methods to sponsor affiliates). If you can, after just one year you could be earning at least $600 a month ($7,200 a year). And after just two years, you could be earning over $1,200 a month ($14,400 a year).
Even if you can develop only ONE new EA a month and have just 10 others in your group doing the same, you can build a nice part-time income of over $200 per month after just a year.
Of course, you can earn MUCH, MUCH MORE, as the above numbers don't even include any Direct Commissions or other bonuses you can earn. And, of course, you and/or the affiliates in your group may be capable of developing many more EAs.
But that's the beauty of your new SFI business. There are no ceilings. You can earn a little spending cash or you can earn the kind of money that would make your doctor or dentist envious.
Best of all, you can do it completely from home, working only the hours you want. No commute. No suit. And YOU are the boss.

Day 17

Communication is HUGE
In your 3rd LaunchPad, we discussed Leveraged Income, and how it is one of the secrets of building wealth.
Well, here's a secret about that secret! Leveraged Income is a whole lot easier to build if you have open and easy communication channels.
Communication is HUGE
Why? For starters, communication from you to your affiliates is a big part of how you duplicate yourself. In case you're not clear about this term yet, here's what we mean by duplication:
It doesn’t matter how intelligent, rich, energetic, or dynamic you are—we are all limited to the same 24 hours a day. By sponsoring other affiliates, however, you can overcome this limitation. By sponsoring, you can essentially clone yourself and have dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people all working indirectly on your behalf on their time—and receive a percentage of everything they earn!
Sponsoring affiliates also builds security for your business. Why? In most traditional businesses, what happens if you become ill or disabled and are unable to service your customers? Or perhaps you just want to take a vacation. Whatever the case, you could lose most, if not all, of your income overnight because it relies on your being there. That’s not owning your own life, and that’s certainly not financial freedom!
Through the process of sponsoring affiliates, however, you can create total financial freedom for yourself. When you've sponsored your own team of independent business people, you no longer have all your eggs in one basket. On the contrary, because each person on your team has a vested interest in continuing and building his or her own businesses, you create an income that is not dependent upon you—an income that can continue, even grow, indefinitely, with or WITHOUT you!
So what's all this have to do with COMMUNICATION?
It's simple. It's through communication that you can teach your affiliates how to succeed in SFI (i.e. duplication). And it's through communication that you'll build relationships with your affiliates—which is very, very important.
Think about it. Do YOU want to make money for someone who offers no support or assistance? Of course not. It's the same thing with the affiliates you sponsor. If they feel you do not care about them, they will not want to build their businesses because they will not want to see their hard work benefiting some stranger they never hear from.
Now, you may be new to business. You may feel you have nothing to offer in the way of training. That's OK, you can learn and grow into the leader role over time. And, after all, all the training your affiliates need is at the SFI Affiliate Center.
But what you must never do is allow your affiliates to think their sponsor (you) is uncaring. If you do that, if you do not communicate with your affiliates, success will be a hundred times harder to attain.
OK, so HOW do you communicate with your affiliates? How do you make sure they know you are out there and available to assist them?
Very easily.
First of all, you need to set up a Greeting for your affiliates HERE:
Once you've set this up, all of your new affiliates, upon logging in at the SFI Affiliate Center for the first time, will see an alert that you've left them a message. By clicking on this alert, they'll then be able to read your message. This is an easy, automatic way to get off to a great start in building relationships with your affiliates.
Email communicationNext, you'll want to develop some form of regular outgoing communications. We recommend a weekly or bi-weekly e-mail. For much more on this, refer to this special column by SFI founder, Gery Carson.
And we've made doing group mailings very easy. Provided you accumulate a minimum of 1,500 VersaPoints monthly, you can send e-mails to your entire group with just a couple clicks...and completely free of cost. You don't have to maintain any mailing lists or worry about bad e-mail addresses or anything. You just select the group from your Genealogy you want your message to go to, enter your message, and click on "send." It's that easy.
You can also go to the PSA Mailer Web page or your CSA Mailer Web Page, enter your message and hit submit to send a message to all of your PSAs (personally sponsored affiliates) or CSAs (co-sponsored affiliates). Plus, provided you haven't already earned it for the week, you'll also earn 30VersaPoints! There's no need to go to the Genealogy or select a segment of your group. And there's no need to worry about messages going to bad e-mail addresses or opted-out affiliates as these are automatically filtered out for you. Messages are sent to both the PSA's/CSA's registered e-mail addresses AND to the PSA's/CSA's "Team Mail" inboxes at the SFI Affiliate Center. There's also no rank or points requirements to use the PSA Mailer or CSA Mailer.
Next, you'll want to check out the Stream tab on your home page. Dedicated to instant posts to and from your team (up to six levels in your downline) and a2a friends, the Stream tab provides a GREAT way to pass along your own news items, alerts, notes of encouragement, and other important information. To send new messages to some or all of your team members and a2a friends, just type your message (up to 340 characters) into the field at the top, select the group you wish to send the post to, and click Submit. Your recipients will see your instant post within their own Stream tabs. To reply to comments posted by others, simply click the "Leave a Comment" link below the replies, enter your message (200 characters max.) and click Post Comment.
Now, the above are all PROACTIVE communications. But you also need to make sure you're being responsive when your affiliates contact you. Various e-mails that we send to your affiliates, as well as several places at the SFI Affiliate Center, all refer your affiliates to you, their sponsor. When they contact you, be sure you respond in a timely manner.
Tip: You may get asked questions you don't know the answer to. Don't sweat it. Just be honest. Tell them you don't know the answer. but you will try to help them find it; then do it. Whatever you do, don't just tell them to go to the Affiliate Center and find it themselves. That's a guaranteed way to destroy the relationship.
One last tip: Most SFI Sponsors and Team Leaders LOVE to hear from their affiliates. It lets them know who's active. Don't wait until you have a question...send them a message today and introduce yourself. Let them know what your goals are for your business. You might be pleasantly surprised by what comes back!
Contact your sponsor HERE.
Contact your upline Team Leaders HERE.

Day 18

Putting a face on your business
 Discuss this lesson
Hi Joseph,
There's a LOT to love about doing business over the Internet. It's fast, global, inexpensive, and very efficient. But one of the big negatives is that it's also highly impersonal.
When you're dealing with people halfway across the world, via computers, there's not a lot that can be done to make it overly personal, but there are a few things that you can and should do:
1. In yesterday's LaunchPad, we talked about how important regular communication with your affiliates is. Allow us to add today that the more personalized you can make those communications, the better. Nothing beats one-to-one communication. And don't limit yourself to just e-mails. Get on the phone or Skype, too, if you can. You can also try instant messaging (SFI Messenger contact information is available by clicking on the small yellow "bubble" located in the far right column of your Genealogy report). You might be amazed with the positive impact a little personal interaction can have on duplication in your group.
2. Over on the right there's an image. Is it your smiling face or is it just a placeholder that says "No Photo Available?"
If it's your photo, you are to be commended for getting your photo in place already.
But if it's the dreaded placeholder, you definitely have an item on your to-do list to take care of. That is, you need to get a photo of yourself soon as possible! We'll even award you 30 VersaPoints for doing so!
Why? Adding your photo is one of the easiest and simplest ways to add personalization and let your affiliates know their sponsor is a real, live person, not just a name and number on a computer screen.It's also important that you portray a professional image with your photo. Using icons or pictures of pets, children, and others may only serve to distract from your business image. A nice, clear photograph of you for display to your sponsored affiliates is a great way to begin to build a business relationship with your affiliates.
You remember that Affiliate Greeting we told you how to set up in yesterday's LaunchPad? Well, when your new affiliates go to view your greeting, if you have your photo uploaded, it will accompany your greeting.
Surely, you can see how a personal greeting, accompanied by your smiling face, can make a great impression.
There are also other places at the Affiliate Center where photos are included, such as on leaderboards and whenever you use Team Mail to send messages to your upline or downline members. In all cases, having your photo in place adds professionalism and personalization…which will help you maximize your SFI income.
If you haven't already done so…

Day 19

How much can I make?
"How much can I make?" This is a common question when someone joins SFI, and a fair question as well. After all, you wouldn't take a job without first finding out how much you'd be paid, right?
So how much CAN you make as an SFI affiliate?
According to Entrepreneur magazine, the average home-based business household earns $50,250 a year. And about 20% of all home-business households earn in excess of $75,000 a year. And in some countries (such as the United States) there are the tax benefits, too; even if your home business isn’t generating a profit yet, it can put $5,000 or more into your pocket through tax write-offs (check with your accountant).
Speaking of entrepreneurs, this is an area where you truly must think like an entrepreneur and not like an employee.
In short, you’ll get out of SFI what you put into it. It works...if you do. But that’s the beauty of it, too; you are in control – it’s up to you how far you take it. And don’t forget, SFI offers the opportunity to earn residual income. This basically means that for the work you do today, you have the potential to earn money not only for today but also for years to come.
Do you know what happens when you double a penny (one cent) every day for a month? At the 15-day mark, it’s grown to only $163.84. But by the 30th day, it’s mushroomed to OVER 5 MILLION dollars!
As we've discussed in previous editions of LaunchPad, this “leveraging” or duplication effect is one of the most exciting ingredients of SFI. Indeed, its power cannot be underestimated.
Imagine that you’ve just sponsored an SFI affiliate in the United States by the name of John. John sponsors a friend in Brazil by the name of Maria. Maria soon sponsors Gustava from Sweden. Through Gustava's efforts, a Korean, Hae-Won, joins SFI.
By just sponsoring one person, you’ve set into motion a chain of events that now has affiliates working indirectly on your behalf across the globe! And every person (John, Maria, Gustava, and Hae-Won) can add to your commission check!
This is just one very small example of duplication and global networking in action. And it's happening every hour of every day at SFI. Study our Global Growth Report and you'll see this exactly. you think you could find one good person each month to join SFI? Just one person a month who might be interested in financial freedom, more leisure time, more security, and more happiness?
Do you think you can teach that one person a month to do what you do? If you can, you can become wildly successful in SFI!
Note: For some specific earnings examples, see LaunchPad 16.

Day 20

Getting Smarter Every Day
We're 20 days in now and we've covered a lot of great information for how to get your SFI business off to a successful and profitable start.
Today, we want to tell you about two more SFI sites you're going to want to be visiting regularly (if you're not already).
This vital SFI site is updated nearly every day. It features the latest SFI news, announcements, and special alerts you need to stay on top of.
SFI NEWS is located at:
You may want to bookmark this page. Better yet, go to SFI NEWS and subscribe to the RSS feed so you automatically receive each new news entry. We strongly recommend this!
Other great features of SFI NEWS include:
- You can rate articles and even pull up the highest rated articles (see Stats in sidebar).
- All articles are categorized. Example: Want to read all the news about TripleClicks? Just click the TripleClicks category and you'll be presented with just the TripleClicks news.
- All news is automatically archived so that you can easily review past news articles.
- A search feature allows you to quickly and easily search all articles containing just the keywords you're looking for.
- Language translation for 41 languages.
By the way, another way to automatically get alerted of SFI news is by following SFI on Twitter, and you'll even earn 30 VersaPoints for doing so! Learn more HERE.
SFI Power Tips features business-building tips and ideas, exclusive articles and training, Q&As, and more to help you maximize your income in SFI.
Like SFI NEWS, we are continually publishing valuable tips and training information to ensure your business success. If you're not checking out SFI Power Tips at least every other day, you're operating with one arm (or more) tied behind your back!
The best way to receive Power Tips is to subscribe to the RSS feed so you automatically receive each new entry as they are published.
SFI Power Tips is located at:
And, yes, all of the features (archives, searching, etc.) mentioned above for SFI NEWS also apply to Power Tips!
Tip: To help ensure you don't miss them, the five latest news entries and the five latest Power Tips are also featured on your Alerts Page when you log in at the SFI Affiliate Center.

Day 21 

Gaining with training
At SFI, we strongly believe in making sure our affiliates have the training and information needed to build profitable businesses—after all, we succeed only when you do!
That's why we've packed the Training Library at the SFI Affiliate Center with tons of helpful articles, tutorials, and how-tos covering a wide variety of business topics. To access the Training Library, go to:
Here, you'll find links to exclusive, in-depth advice, tips, tutorials, and more for every aspect of your SFI business. We've also collected for you expert articles and reports from around the Internet...and much more!
Of course, there's too much information in the Training Library to try and tackle in one or two days. That's why pacing yourself in the "getting started" phase of your business is SO important. Just make a commitment to read one or two articles a day. Within a month, you'll be an SFI expert! And always remember this: Readers are leaders!
Speaking of becoming a leader, one of the real gems in our Training Library is our exclusive INTERNET INCOME COURSE.
When you're new to operating an Internet business, it's natural to take one look at the Web and become overwhelmed. So many sites! So many options! Do you go for pay-per-click advertising? Online classified ad sites? Banner exchanges? Should you get a Website of your own? How? Where? The questions are endless—and it's easy to understand how new SFI affiliates can become paralyzed by "information overload."
This is where SFI's INTERNET INCOME COURSE comes in. Designed specifically for the Internet business novice, this ongoing training series by George Little will take you—step by step—through the complex world of online marketing in plain language that's easy to understand.
You can access the entire series of lessons at:
Note! Take your time going through the lessons! The Internet Income Course has been written over several years and there is a substantial amount of information here to digest. We recommend you bookmark the page now, and set a goal to read just one or two lessons a day. By the way, a new course is posted each month or so, so check back regularly.

Day 22

Ask Gery
SFI Founder, Gery Carson
SFI Founder
Gery Carson
By now, you probably know that Gery is Gery Carson, the president and founder of SFI.
From 1985 to 1998, Gery was a top marketer and record-breaking distributor for several direct sales companies and a successful business magazine publisher. Known for his innovation, Gery has been a pioneering force in the direct mail and Internet marketing industries for 26 years.
His achievements as an entrepreneur have been spotlighted in "Money Maker's Monthly," "Upline," "Opportunity World Magazine," and in numerous books and videos. National recognition has also included being named to 1992's Outstanding Young Men of America list and 1997's Who's Who in the Media and Communications.
And since 1998, Gery has, of course, been leading SFI's rise to becoming one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world today.
That's a LOT of years of success and experience! Luckily for SFI affiliates, Gery is one of the most accessible company presidents you'll ever find. Gery is always actively communicating and interacting with the field. He is also continually sharing his substantial knowledge of marketing and business.
Some of Gery's most valuable advice has been compiled for you in our "Ask Gery" section of the SFI Training Library. Some of the topics include:
• Where to advertise for good results

• Can I get a new Sponsor?

• How to write e-mails that create EAs

• What's better...selling lots of SFI products or recruiting lots of affiliates?
For the complete Ask Gery index, go HERE.
The SFI Forum also has its own "Ask Gery" forum which allows you to post questions and get answers directly from Gery, oftentimes within hours. Check out "Ask Gery" at the SFI Forum HERE.
Suggestion BoxYou'll also be interested to know that Gery personally reads every suggestion submitted through the official SFI Suggestion Box.
Says Gery: "LISTENING to the field is a HUGE reason for SFI's success and continual innovation and progress. No matter how long you've been in business, you never have ALL the answers. Our affiliates provide new and fresh perspectives that allow them to offer excellent solutions and ideas. And we are VERY aggressive in implementing the suggestions we receive. We have undoubtably incorporated hundreds and hundreds of suggestions we've received from the field over the years, and will continue to use this enormously valuable asset for everyone's mutual benefit."
In other words, if you have ideas for improving SFI, you have a direct line to Gery via the SFI Suggestion Box and we STRONGLY encourage you to use it.

Day 23 

The SFI Forum
Today, we want to introduce you to yet another powerful resource available to you as an SFI affiliate–the SFI Forum.
The SFI Forum, located at the Affiliate Center (, was developed especially for SFI affiliates who want to take responsibility for their businesses and want to learn and share with others in a positive, empowering manner.
With more than 43,526 members and over 6,593 topics and 26,289 posts, the SFI Forum can be described as a virtual classroom with thousands of teachers and students.
At the Forum you can:
- Brainstorm with your fellow SFI affiliates.
- Get your questions answered 24-hours a day.
- Discuss business strategies and ideas.
- Find a mentor.
- Help other affiliates.
- Share concerns.
- Contribute feedback.
- Learn about exciting new corporate developments.
- Search, using keywords, to find information on almost anything related to SFI.
The forum is staffed by experienced affiliates who have volunteered to share their time and knowledge by serving as moderators. SFI corporate staff also personally stop by the forum regularly to add our perspectives and clarifications to the discussions.
The SFI Forum is currently divided into several individual sub-forums covering everything from the compensation plan to marketing methods to personal Website development. As mentioned inyesterday's LaunchPad, there's also an "Ask Gery" forum which allows you to post questions directly to SFI president and founder, Gery Carson. There's also an "Inspiration/Testimonials" forum, exclusively for sharing inspiring messages and testimonials.
All together, there is a forum for just about any topic an affiliate would want to discuss!
It's true that success does not happen overnight but GRADUALLY through persistence and education. The SFI Forum is a perfect place to get that education, encouragement, and inspiration to help you make your SFI business into whatever you want it to become.
Be sure to stop by the SFI Forum frequently. You can access the forum via Hot Spots in the main menu bar at the Affiliate Center. You can also see links to the five most recent posts (as well as the author's name and time of posting) at the bottom of the Alerts tab on your home page. Or, just bookmark the forum for your convenience:

Day 24

In yesterday's LaunchPad, we told you about the SFI Forum. Today, we want to tell you about a2a (short for "Affiliate To Affiliate"), SFI's social networking program.
Through a2a, you can search, browse, and exchange messages with ANY SFI affiliate! Just click the "Add to Friends List" link on affiliates a2a pages with whom you wish to interact. Messages are sent through SFI's internal mail servers and are accessed at the SFI Affiliate Center when you log in.
a2a allows you to identify SFI affiliates in your own country, state/province, or city; or search by gender, age, join date, common goals, and more...or any combination!
You can also create "buddy lists," brainstorm, share tips, discuss SFI news, and more.
One of the most valuable attributes of a2a is what it provides in LOCALIZED assistance. For example, by contacting other SFI affiliates in your area, you can learn about the best marketing methods and strategies for your region of the world.
Here's another great way to use a2a: Contact local affiliates in your area and form local SFI support groups and organize local get-togethers.
But don't stop there. With a2a's powerful search capabilities, you can find affiliates just like you to interact with. For example, let's say you're a 35-year-old female who lives in London, England. Let's also say you joined SFI three months ago. With a few clicks and a quick search, you can locate other SFI affiliates of your same age, gender, and location who started in SFI the same time as you did! Very cool!
To get started, simply register as an a2a member on the a2a tab on your Affiliate Center homepage. Once you're registered, you can immediately start browsing the a2a roster, exchanging messages, and more. You'll also receive 60 VersaPoints for registering!
By the way, the more a2a members we have, the more valuable a2a becomes, so be sure to encourage all your affiliates to get registered with a2a.

Day 25

Today we want to go over one of SFI's coolest little marketing tools...E-CARDS.
SFI's E-Cards are:
- 100% FREE!
- Simple and easy to use!
- Great marketing tools that can get you immediate results!
Basically, E-Cards is a program for sending full-color digital postcards to friends and family. There are many designs to choose from. There are cards promoting the SFI business opportunity and there are cards promoting various SFI products.
After choosing a design, you can then add your own personal message. It will also automatically insert a link to the appropriate SFI Gateway Website (so that you are credited with the referral). Click send, and your postcard is sent!
By the way, if you're not sure what would be effective for your personal message...we have provided sample messages from which you can get ideas or simply copy into your E-Card.
Using E-Cards also means that SFI will do the "heavy lifting" (the selling) for you. There's no need to know every little detail about SFI or the product you're letting your recipients know about. Simply choose a card, add a short friendly little message, and send it. The full-color card and the Gateway URL included with it can take it from there!
Now, we realize that many people shy away from promoting SFI to their friends and family. Some people are simply uncomfortable presenting a business opportunity to a friend or family member. Others may not know what to say...or fear being rejected.
But here's how you need to look at it: If you found a gold mine that contained more gold than you could ever use yourself, who would you tell about it? We're betting that it would be your closest friends and family members. Same thing with SFI. SFI is just like that goldmine, and possibly with even greater potential.
Not only that but we also specifically designed E-Cards with "just the right touch" for friends and family.
For starters, we've "kept it light." That is, the cards that promote the SFI business opportunity are very friendly and/or use a bit of humor. And if you'd rather not promote the business opportunity at all, we've got you covered there, too, with a variety of cards that focus totally on products.
Here's another cool component of E-Cards: When there is an exciting new development in SFI, we'll make a new E-Card available. And each time you can send out a new round of friendly little announcement cards to your list. No need to twist arms or get in anyone's face with "high pressure." You're simply letting them know about the latest development pertaining to your business with a brief and friendly electronic postcard.
And always remember, a huge component of successful prospecting is TIMING. For example, maybe the SFI business opportunity isn't right for your friend or family member today, but people's lives are constantly changing. In three months, or six months, or a year, they may be more than open to hearing about the opportunity—especially if you've sent them an E-Card several months in a row, which has quietly provided evidence that SFI is a real opportunity.
Just grab the e-mail addresses of your friends and family and start sending out E-Cards. It's simple. It's easy. It's free. And ANYONE can do it! You can start sending out E-Cards now at:
Please note that E-Cards may be sent ONLY to friends and family members. To prevent abuse, there is also a limit of 10 E-Cards that can be sent per day.

Day 26 

Reach For The Sky!
Trees don't think about the height they want to become; they simply "reach for the sky" and grow as high as they can.
This is the same attitude you should adopt in SFI.
Just as every tree starts out as a seed, everyone who joins SFI starts out as a basic affiliate. You can, of course, always remain a basic affiliate if you wish. But with so many more benefits available to you, you should strive to go as high as you can.
These benefits include access to the best "power tools," the best perks, and of course, the highest payouts.
With just 1,500 VersaPoints (VP), you attain the "executive level" of SFI. As an Executive Affiliate, you gain access to some of SFI's most powerful businessbuilding tools. And instead of being able to earn income in just two ways, you can earn income FIVE WAYS (see a complete listing of the compensation and other benefits HERE).
In short, if you're serious about building a successful business with SFI, you're going to want to achieve AT LEAST 1,500 points every month so you can enjoy the numerous executive benefits.
But just like an oak tree would never stop at ten feet, don't YOU stop at 1,500 points.
With just 1,500 more VP (3,000 qualified points total), you'll acquire the prestigious title and benefits of an SFI Bronze Team Leader.
As a Bronze Team Leader, not only will bigger and better perks and power tools be yours, you'll also now be qualified to earn MATCHING VersaPoints!
Matching VP are the most coveted piece of the SFI compensation plan because they allow you to tap into the amazing power of Leveraged Income and exponential growth. Indeed, Matching VP can take your income to a whole new level by allowing you to earn "override commissions" from the TripleClicks Executive Pool on the actions of every EA2 in your downline (up to six levels deep) and on all your co-sponsored affiliates, too!
Think about that. On all affiliates in your group, within six levels downline, you can be earning matching points every time they log in at the Affiliate Center, every time they buy or sell an SFI product, every time they send out a newsletter, refer an ECA, do a product review, and much more!
Over time, the levels on which you can earn matching VP can grow to contain hundreds or even thousands of affiliates that you can earn on! And there is no limit to how many matching points you can earn each month.
Learn more about Matching VersaPoints HERE.
Sounds good, right? But, again, don't stop at 3,000 VP (Bronze Team Leader).
For just 4,000 qualified points, you'll grab the title of Silver Team Leader and increase the number of levels you can earn matching VP on to 8 levels! Moving up to 5,000 qualified points makes you a Gold Team Leader and increases your matches to 10 levels. And 6,000 qualified points sets you at the very top rank in SFI...Platinum Team Leader...and allows you to earn matching points on a whopping 12 levels below you!
So that's it, right? 6,000 points a month should be your ultimate goal then, right? Wrong! The oak tree doesn't stop when it reaches 40 feet high. Be like the tree and go as high as you can!
The more points you tally, the higher your Power Rank can go. And then there's the monthly "VersaPoints 300"...
Here's how it works: Just by being one of the month's top VP earners (be in the top 300 at the end of the month), you'll receive a share of all of the month's available Co-Sponsorships–companywide! Each affiliate you are assigned as the Co-Sponsor of could earn you hundreds of dollars annually in Co-Sponsor Commissions.
Learn more about Co-Sponsor Commissions HERE.
To find out what your current VP position is, see the Top VP 300 HERE.
Be like the great oak tree. Reach for the sky. The higher you go, the bigger your rewards. And NEVER stop growing!

Day 27

Getting paid the easy way
As you build your business, and your SFI commissions start coming in, you're going to want to get paid in the time and manner most convenient for you. Whether you live in or outside the U.S., one option you'll want to consider for collecting your commissions is a TripleClicks MasterCard.
TripleClicks Mastercard
Here are some of the benefits of the TripleClicks MasterCard:
  • It's available in every country in the world.
  • No need to wait days or weeks for a commission check to arrive in the mail...or pay extra fees to cash your check. Instead, get your SFI commissions paid directly to your card, then convert to cash instantly (in your country's currency) at any ATM machine displaying the MasterCard acceptance mark.
  • Use your card to pay bills and to order products at or anywhere else online or offline that accepts MasterCard debit cards.
  • Check your balance and more online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Reload your card with a transfer from your bank account, a Visa, a Mastercard, or cash.
Additionally, you can use your TripleClicks MasterCard as a great affiliate sponsoring tool. Just pull out your card and explain how your friends can become SFI affiliates and get money from their own cards, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from sales all over the world, too! Then give them an X-Card or your SFI Gateway to go sign up.
For complete details on getting your own TripleClicks MasterCard, see:
Note: For your convenience, SFI offers several other ways to collect your monthly or accumulated commissions. Be sure to select your preferred method in the MyAccount section at the Affiliate CenterHERE.

Day 28

SFI Rules Of Success
Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error—and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn't—we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.
Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 13+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates. We have distilled for you all of this into our "SFI Rules of Success."
Why do we need this?
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The person who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The person who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.
This is sage advice indeed. In our case, we've provided hundreds of methods and strategies for building your SFI business, but if you do not know the principles (i.e. rules) behind them, a very large void exists in your approach!
SFI Rules of Success is designed to fill this gap and illustrate for you the ABSOLUTE MOST VITAL tenets of our business. Rules that when followed bring success. Rules that when ignored or violated bring failure!
If you're serious about succeeding in SFI, you'll want to actively start applying these rules to your business and life in the coming months.
SFI Rules of Success starts with SFI President Gery Carson's introduction HERE.

Day 29

Setting up a Standing Order
In today's hectic world, it's easy to overlook the basics. Days and weeks fly by, and before you know it, a new month is upon you.
Consequently, more than one SFI affiliate has woken up on the first day of a month to realize that he or she failed to generate the VersaPoints needed for the now-past month—and, unfortunately, lost out on all the benefits he or she would have otherwise collected for that month!
But this doesn't ever have to happen to you. You can ensure you automatically maintain your desired VersaPoint level and SFI rank each month by opting for a Standing Order.
With a Standing Order, you'll have your favorite SFI product(s) automatically delivered to you each month without the hassle of having to continually place an order. You'll also automatically maintain your desired status every month—no need to worry about missing out on valuable commissions, bonuses, and perks.
The more successful TripleClicks is, the more successful SFI's affiliates will be. A popular and successful TC means easier sponsoring, easier referrals, more ECAs, more products and services, better prices, and lower shipping costs among other things. All of this will result in bigger income streams for affiliates! So, it's also in your best interest to have a Standing Order.
Finally, if your chosen product(s) has 1,500 VersaPoints or more attached, you'll receive 100 bonus VersaPoints for the month in which you first set up your Standing Order, plus 100 bonus VP each month you keep that Standing Order!
Setting up a Standing Order is easy and takes only a few minutes, and if you change your mind, you can easily modify or cancel your Standing Order at any time. NOTE: for complete details on Standing Orders, check out SFI's SO Central Information Page.
To set up your Standing Order:
1. Log in at (using your SFI ID and password).
2. Browse the store for the product of your choice. All products eligible for a Standing Order have a green "Standing Order" button () displayed by the item listing. Click HERE to view the most popular products SFI Affiliates choose for Standing Orders. Tip: You can use the TripleClicks Advanced Search to quickly locate all products eligible for Standing Order and exclude those that are not. You can also sort by VersaPoint amount within your search results or in any product department (see sorting options in the right sidebar).
3. Enter the quantity of the item you want in the appropriate field and click the Standing Order button.
4. A popup window will appear confirming that your item was added to your shopping cart. Choose the Close Window button to return to the product description page, View Shopping Cart to view the items in your cart, or the Checkout Now button to proceed to the Standing Order Checkout.
5. Check the billing and shipping info on the Standing Order Checkout page and select your shipping option. Click Continue Checkout button.
6. Choose a payment method, review the order summary, and read the Standing Order agreement. Select the Place My Order button after you review and agree to the TripleClicks Terms & Conditions.
Tip: You can use the TripleClicks Advanced Search to quickly locate all products that are eligible for Standing Order and exclude those that are not.

Day 30

Now the real fun starts!
Today marks your 30th and final edition of the LaunchPad "Getting Started" training series. We truly hope you've found the information provided to you in this training to be clear and helpful.
We want to encourage you to continue educating yourself on SFI. This 30-part series has given you but a glimpse of SFI. There is SO, SO much more! Remember, we've been helping entrepreneurs achieve success since 1985. And while SFI itself only officially came into being in 1998, the fact is there's more than 26 years of development behind it and millions of dollars invested in building SFI.
We're extremely proud of the program we've created. And we're even more proud of the results. Over the past decade, SFI has helped tens of thousands of men and women from all over the world become successful entrepreneurs.
And, yet, we've barely scratched the surface! As we covered in the "Borderless is beautiful" edition of LaunchPad, the true global growth (powered by the Internet) has only just begun...and no company has aligned itself better than SFI.
If SFI is on its way to becoming a multi-billion dollar global giant as many believe, then many of our affiliates are truly "millionaires in the making." And whether you believe it or not right now, there's no reason why YOU can't be one of them.
The future for SFI is very, very bright!
In closing, we'd like to say one more time, we truly care about your opinion. It may sound corny, but we really do think of you as a PARTNER, and SFI succeeds ONLY if our affiliates succeed. Therefore, PLEASE, use our Suggestion Box whenever you have ideas for improving SFI. TOGETHER, we will continue to make SFI better and better for all.
THANK YOU so very much...and we look forward to working with you for years to come!
SFI Welcome Team

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